Aminet 40
Aminet 40 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2000].iso
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1,497 lines
Version 1.2 (20.12.95 23:52:40)
- ReKeyIt didn`t install it`s new shortcuts when MagicCX was
launched (for already open windows)
- ReKeyIt didn`t restore standard shortcuts for open windows
when MagicCX was quit
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- DateWindow Prefs settings strings (German) were a bit
too long
(Reported by : Manuel Fischer)
- Note: Changing the ScreenMode for a blanker causes the
Blanker to instantly save it`s preferences (including the
new ScreenMode)
- When using "External module at random" and the blanker
started while having the "Advanced..." window open, could
have lead to the wrong Configure page, ie. the one of the
blanker last used, not the own selected within the ListView
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- ScreenTab will not start with the current screen anymore
(Requested by : Manuel Fischer)
- Small Typo in WBMore fixed
(Reported by : Dirk Federlein)
- Added ReKeyIt module. Thanks to Michael Barsoom
for handing me his sourcecode. Still, ReKeyIt
the source and copyright are all his...
- You may now change the qualifier keys (ALT) to (AMIGA)
for some NewString functions
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Mouse2Menu/MenuWrap didn`t restore the mouse`s x pos
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Improved Stars Blanker. More stars in front should appear in
full size now, even though some (with large angles) still
appear a bit smaller; but that`s life ;)
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- MagicCX didn`t blank if "Joystick" was one of the unblank
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Changed shortcut`s for "Test blanker" within Prefs program
and the blankers` config windows to "T"
(Suggested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Inserting international date (YYYYMMDD) could create strings
like (YYYYMMD) or (YYYYMDD) and such...
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- ASwarm Blankers config window used 'A' as shortcut twice
(Reported by : Uwe Ploss)
- When Bill window was on Workbench, it didn`t close down
if Workbench was closed (only with screennotify.library)
(Reported by : Frank Mariak)
- When initialising Mouse2Menu/MenuWrap with right button
down, the mouse will be moved to the middle of the complete
menu header
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Optimized Blanker`s ColorFadingCode
Called LoadRGB(4|32) for every bit changed
Reported by : Magnus Holmgren
- NewLookProp refreshing was "bug optimized". Fixed. This is
the fastest way possible (unfortunately)
- WBMore could crash with division by zero
(Reported by : Frank Mariak)
- Blanker`s Password gadget will open on frontmost screen now
- Changed default Calendar size to more appropriate values
(Suggested by : Dave Dustin)
- The standard CPU meter display for the clock will display
used CPU time now.
(Suggested by : Dave Dustin)
- NewLookProp gadgets won`t flicker that much anymore
(Reported by : Several testers)
- For screens with aspect ratio 1:1, newlookprop borders will
be drawn with single frame, now
(Suggested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Changed format of output for Date and Intern. Date.
Date will be formatted using locale if available dd-mm-yy
otherwise. Intern. Date will be formatted yyyymmdd
(Requested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Changed case of default HotKey definitions, as some were
somehow unreachable
(Suggested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Added Rain blanker
- Added Spotlight blanker
- Improved Lightning blanker
- WBMore may now add a Flush command to the Tools menu
(Requested by : Frank Mariak)
- You may now issue a command to be executed before one of
WBMore`s Flush commands, eg. to shut down programs
(Requested by : Frank Mariak)
- Color creation scheme for blankers was buggy for V39 systems
(Reported by : Several testers)
- Text blanker`s String gadget within Config window won`t be
reactivated every time
(Requested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- If you specified MMB+LMB one click for "Window to front"
Cycling, you couldn`t use MMB Shift anymore. Changed
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- When HuntWindows "Bring to front" was active, one couldn`t
drag icons of an inactive Workbench window without
activating the window first. Huntwindows will now hunt
windows only if the left button has been released to prevent
(Reported by : Manuel Fischer)
- Changed Blanked edge settings scheme. You may now set each
corner individually (eg. on/off and which corner) through
it`s cycle gadget. Checkbox gadget removed
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added Busy pointer to RCS window when updating a file
- Made TagScreens` Edit Tags ListView a bit wider
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added toggle-char-case-and-move mode to NewString
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Forgot to tell that ScreenTab accepts patterns
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added support for new SysInfo.library (v1.30) as well as
old versions
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Docs stated that CPUload displays used CPU time, not free
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added USESYSINFO which tells MagicCX to use Executive`s
SysInfo library in case it`s installed; it uses it`s own
otherwise if not specified
- Flying Toasters used to flicker a lot; fixed
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- Added note to Docs that the Baskslash isn`t visble in
Multiview or AmigaGuide v39+
(Suggested by : Dave Dustin)
- Normal prop gadgets were updated a bit too much
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- Minimum size of NewLookProp sliders reduced to 4x4
(Requested by : Dave Dustin)
- Somehow my ALT key was stuck, when typing in WBMore
strings which lead to ASCII 160 instead of 32
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- WBMore won`t leave trashed screen titles anymore
(Reported by : Several Testers)
- Improved Cycle2Menu BitMap Allocation, so that it may work
with CyberGraphiX 15Bit+ Screens
(Suggested by : Frank Mariak)
- WBGauge should draw a little bit even if the device
monitored is almost empty
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- For some screens the clock could try to open on that screen
every second, even though it wasn`t allowed to or wasn`t
able to. This has been cut down to a single try now.
- Added new Alarm mode: A 24 hour timer
(Requested by : Geoffrey Webb)
- When changing the clock follow mode within Prefs, the clock
didn`t use these new settings instantly
- Following of clock to other screens improved and made more
safe. (Did take SCREENQUIET and SHOWTITLE flags into account
which made the clock not follow to all screens.) Won`t cause
delay or busyloop when jumping to other screens
For MUI3 Screens it will work now, for example
- Implemented sysinfo.library for CPU usage calculation, for
those using Executive (as this is the only sysinfo server I
know of, but there might be more out there). MagicCX`s
internal CPU measurement won`t be launched then
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added NOCPULOADTASK ToolType for Server. This will prevent
MagicCX from creating the CPU Idle counter task. This is for
users who might use other tools for CPU Idle counting
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added ResetHandler module
- Added WBMore module which enhances your Worbench
screen titlebar and Version Requester
- Made WBGauge window determination more stable
- Added workaround to fixe a system-unfriendly method of
TheAnswerIII`s EasyRequestArgs() Args-Passign method, which
could interfere with AssignWedge
(Suggestion by : Martin Berndt)
- Added Char case toggling for NewString
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- CPULoad display wasn`t shown on Time+Gauge page
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- ScreenTab won`t bring to front the frontmost screen anymore
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Busy pointer will be shown while saving prefs
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- DoubleClick on ToolAlias will open FileRequesters for old
and new filenames, now
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- DoubleClick on LockWindows will open the SelectWindow, now
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- DoubleClick on TagScreens will open EditWindow, now
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- The Grabber`s default drawer wasn`t copied to the
FileRequester`s gadget
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- Per default, MagicCX will set the DateWindow`s and
Calendar`s fonts to the font of the default PubScreen
(Suggested by : Dave Dustin)
- Added new option for Cycle2Menu: For a Gadget-Like Gadget
with Rectangular HiLiting, you may now tell MagicCX not
to hilite the text, but to only draw the border
(Requested by : Dave Dustin)
- When first drawn, the entries of a Cycle2Menu Menu were
placed one pixel lower then when moving over them
- Cycle2Menu could close it`s menu font twice or even
close a font it didn`t open
- Added keyfile location information to docs
- Added list of Patches to docs
- Improved CPULoad: It will remember all previous levels
so that, on a redraw, all values may be redrawn, too
- ScreenTab module had a Semaphore bug. Fixed
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- If "No drive click" is unchecked, it won`t turn drive
clicking back on when MagicCX is launched, only when
selected from within the Prefs window
(Suggested by : Dave Dustin)
- You don`t have to click on the ModulesManager`s CheckBox
gadgets anymore in order to toggle a state. Simply clicking
on the entry will toggle the state now.
(Requested by : Dave Dustin)
- One couldn`t interrupt the Interference blanker
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- FlyingToasters won`t leave trails behind no matter on which
screen; but it`s a bit slower now.
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- Advanced Blanking settings misbehaved in several ways
- Bugoptimised Species Blanker. Fixed
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- No blank with carrier gadget will be ghosted when
PhoneBill module wasn`t installed
- Window reactivation didn`t always work, if a screen was
opened and a window on it with WA_Activate set to TRUE
- BETATESTERS NOTE: The Prefs loader had a bug; please delete
your old config files. sorry
- Added NewLookProp module which improves the look of Sliders,
Scrollers and ListView gadgets
- Improved KeyFile lookup mechanism. You may place the
keyfile within: KEYPATH:, KEYFILES:, S:, L:, DEVS:, LIBS:
and within the directories the KEYPATH and/or KEYFILES
environment variables point to
- TagScreens` "Use System Pens" function only took the
standard pens into account. Now it tries to clone the pens
allocated by Workbench, too.
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- MoveSizer won`t use ChangeWindowBox() anymore after
moving a window. This prevents sending an IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW
to the application, so that it doesn`t redraw it`s contents
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- MoveSizer will work with windows containing "faked"
drag and sizing gadgets (ie. GTYP_SIZING, GTYP_WDRAGGING)
now; like AnalogClock, Calendar or ToolManager PopUpDocks
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- MoveSizer reacts faster on DeadLocks now
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Prefs`s Color selection window is bigger for 16 colors now
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- For the initial Cycle2Menu popup menu, the wrong background
color was chosen sometimes
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Maximum number of default tool characters increased;
this way no more problems should arise when using
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- NewString: New mode for ESC key. You may now even make
the ESC key do a real escape, ie. restore the gadget`s
contents and quit input
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added DateWindow module which gives you a Time Preferences
type display of the current month and it`s days.
- Blanker edges didn`t work
- Added ScreenTab module
- Calendar pattern wasn`t changed when the new name was
entered directly into the String gadget
- Recompiled with SAS/C 6.56
- One couldn`t set "`" nor "~" as HotKeys
- Added TicTacToe blanker
- Updates Plasma, Text, and Interference blankers
- Added FireWorks Blanker
- Added GoldenSpiral Blanker
- When MagicCX was disabled through Exchange, the AnalogClock
and Calendar windows weren`t closed; the clock window wasn`t
opened again after re-enableing MagicCX
- Added cpu-time dependant Blanker pausing, ie. if the
free cpu-time drops below 5% for more than 600 seconds,
external blankers will turn to simple black screens. If it
falls back over 20% for >600 seconds, they continue
(Requested by: Jan Hense and several others)
- Improved Grabber in respect to GfxCards (hopefully) and
cut down it`s size a bit
- Added CPULoad (XLoad type) module
- Added CPU-Time measurement for clock
- Added two new hotkeys for inserting the current date in
a) standard format and b) international format
(Requested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister and Ulrich Sibiller)
- From within the toolalias requester you may tell MagicCX to
save the prefs, now.
(Requested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Alarm time may be set through two sliders, now, ie.
Hour and Minutes sliders like in Time Preferences
(Requested by : Boris Folgmann)
- You may set a Blanker`s ScreenMode and Depth individually
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren and several others)
- Added HotKey for turning LeftyMouse on/off
(Requested by : Boris Folgmann)
- ToolAlias didn`t check for non-existant volumes
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Cycle2Menu gadgets didn`t update ghosting pattern, when
the active entry was changed for the disabled gadgets
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- SunMouse + BringToFront feature: If you closed a window and
the underlying window became active, it wasn`t brought to
(Reported by : Boris Folgmann)
- Blankers should close faster now
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- ScreenMode-Requester for Blankers won`t show HAM/EHB/DPF
modes anymore.
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Cancelling the ToolAlias Tool-Requester made a memory leak
requester pop up
(Reported by : Kai-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Before grabbing an element from within the ScreenSelect
window, the ScreenSelect window will be closed now, so that
you may grab a whole screen, without the ScreenSelect
window on it.
(Requested by : Nils Goers)
- Thanks to Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel I was able to fix (hopefully)
the problems concerning audio output on some systems.
- Changed method of volume definition for samples. You now
specify a fraction of the volume stored within the sample
- In some cases the Formatters caused a popup of an
AssignWedge requester. Fixed
(Reported by : Hans Schoemer)
- Some requesters won`t be canceled immediately anymore
(Reported by : Several)
- Added HotKey for turning mouse to menu on/off
(Requested by : Stefano Cairoli)
- MENUWRAP Arexx command changed Mouse to menu
- Added MOUSE2MENU ARexx command
- Even with "No Blank with carrier" turned off, the screen was
unblanked if a new carrier was established.
(Reported by : Jan Schmidwenzel)
- Meaning of &v and &V (user definable time page) were swapped
(Reported by : Robert Hofmann)
- Added CUT feature to NewString module
(Requested by : Dirk Federlein)
- Added "TOUCH" switch to BUMPREV ARexx command, which causes
the command to only update date/time information, not
revision informations
(Requested by : Michael Barsoom)
- DisplayBeep() won`t interfere with Dimmer anymore
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- MenuWrap didn`t take the last menu`s submenus into account
(Reported by : Bodo Thevisen)
- PhoneAreaCodes Editor had several problems dealing with the
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- MenuWrap didn`t work as expected. The mouse was always
positioned at the top border of the screen when wrapped
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Changed a bit on Cycle2Menu layout in Gadget mode
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added incrementors to integer gadgets within Rates window
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- PhoneRates editor had a bug as the dupe-checking tried to
filter "dupes" even for an entry already entered.
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Increased maximum number of FlyingToasters to 64
(Requested by : Bernd Ernesti)
- Cycle2Menu was still running, ie. displaying menus, even
though MagicCX was disabled.
(Reported by : Carsten Klein)
- Added new option for user definable clock page (&g), which
adds the memory gauge to the far right of the display, no
matter where you placed the token within the format string
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- When bypassing the CycleMenu, ie. clicking on the arrow
image of a CycleGadget, the gadgets used to render their
contents using a wrong text color.
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Hopefully fixed a bug in PointerPatch module, which
prevented users from accessing menus within FinalWriter
(Reported by : Jon Peterson)
- MagicCX now uses Stefan Becker`s screennotify.library to
open/close AnalogClock,Calendar and TimeWindow on
Workbench screen (if opened/closed). Furthermore, the Bill
window will close if it`s public screen is about to
be closed
- It could happen that the screen was not unblanked, when
the keyboard was in repeat state
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Installation Skript didn`t notice that a specific Blanker
was moved from Modules/Blankers to ModuleStorage/Blankers
(Reported by : Fionn Behrens)
- LineDawn Blanker won`t leave lonely dots after blanking
(Reported by : Fionn Behrens)
- For most shortcuts (like window/screen cycling and so forth)
the setting of CAPSLOCK key will be ignored, now. If someone
doesn`t like this behaviour, tell me, and I`ll probably make
it switchable
(Requested by : Bill Bennet)
- DoubleClicking on either AnalogClock or Calendar will open
the Prefs program, now
(Requested by : Stefan Stuntz)
- Patches of BuildSysRequest and AutoRequest had a bug
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- The english texts for the formatter contained "T" twice as
(Reported by : Adrian Jenkin)
- Fixed bug with PointerPatch and setting the undocumented
feature of SetPointer() with a NULL MousePointer.
(Reported by : Jon Peterson, Magnus Holmgren + Frank Mariak)
- If one changed the labels of a CycleGadget, the change was
not reflected properly.
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren and Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Grabber module preallocated an AslRequester with no reason
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- The "unblank-mouse-when-moving-mouse-with-cursor" feature
didn`t really work as expected.
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Finally, the Online-Help-System works properly
(Some suggestions by : Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel)
- Removed one pattern from the Dragon blanker, as the start
of this pattern looks like some symbol unfortunally known
from a period of time about 50 years ago.
(Thanks to Andreas Baum for reporting this)
- TagScreens` "Use WB" option won`t disable the width/height/
depth/interleaved settings anymore
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- When editing areacodes and timezones, one used to see "1"
instead of a "10"
(Reported by : Heinz Robohm)
- One could set the width/height for blanker screens, even
though this was/is obsolete
(Reported by : Gottfried Janik)
- If locale.library is installed the memory displays will be
formatted using locale`s facilities, now
(Requested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Some of the Prefs program`s ListViews could grow that big
(depending on contents size), that they wouldn`t have fit on
a screen
(Reported by : Jan Simonson)
- AM/PM mode didn`t work correctly, as it display 12 am as
00 am
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- In random mode, the last blanker within the list was never
(Reported by : Jan Hendrik Schulz)
- The "Mid button activate" function didn`t pass the middle
mouse button on to the window activated, this resultet in a
loss of the button-press within for example ASL Requesters
(Reported by : Jan Hendrik Schulz)
- Inserting/Removing a disk didn`t restart the blanker`s timer
(Reported by : Jan Hendrik Schulz)
- Blanker was running, even if MCX was disabled
(Reported by : Gottfried Janik)
- If "No blank with carrier" was selected and a connect was
established just in that moment the screen was about to be
blanked, the blanker was opened and closed for a short
period of time.
(Reported by : Peter Meyer)
- Grabber didn`t snap GimmeZeroZero windows correctly
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Minimum spacing between Cycle2Menu entries reduced to 1
(Requested by : Jakob Langgaard)
- One couldn`t unblank if only the Joystick was selected for
(Reported by : Jakob Langgaard)
- The Joystick deblanking routine didn`t work while the screen
wasn`t blanked, ie. time didn`t restart when using the joy.
(Reported by : Jakob Langgaard, Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Cloning of top screen for blankers didn`t always work. Now,
MCX will fall back to clone the WB screen if the top screen
could not be cloned
(Reported by : Peter Meyer)
- Spider blanker always cloned WB screen, only
- Even with "No blank with carrier" turned off, one couldn`t
blank a screen while having a carrier
(Reported by : Peter Meyer)
- One couldn`t bring a GIMMEZEROZERO window to front with
the WindowCycler, if only the window`s titlebar was covered
(Reported by : Dave Dustin)
- Should`ve fixed bug with moving gadgets within main window,
ie. the lower four gadgets shouldn`t move when changing
pages, anymore
(Reported by : Dave Dustin and many others)
- Blankers only opened 16 color screens even though deeper
ones were requested ;))
(Reported by : Uwe Ploss)
- ModulesManager didn`t seem to work with the "spread"
installation of MagicCX
(Reported by : Markus Grimm)
- Fixed several bugs concerning AssignWedge and "normal"
requesters, especially those with TheAnswerIII
(Reported by : many)
- Fixed small bug in UnixDirs module concerning ../ and /../
- Changed Clipboard paste/copy keys from RCOMMAND-V/C to
LCOMMAND-V/C, as the old version would have caused
conflicts with reqtools and some other programs
(Reported by : first Dave Dustin and then many others)
- Hopefully fixed the Play-Sample bug
(Reported by : many)
- Added new options to user definable clock page: You may now
have the largest memory chunks displayed for chip and fast
memory either in bytes or KBytes
(Requested by : Adrian A. Seeto)
- Improved password mode for blanker: Entering something
into the string gadget was sped up, mouse will be blanked,
and the Password prompt will only appear once, even when
you have unblanked using the mouse.
(Requested & Suggested by : many)
- Reduced maximum forkiness for Lightning blanker to 30, as
higher values would take ages to be dealt with.
(Suggested by : Johan Fabry)
- Fixed several problems regarding the clock and following to
other screens; or simply staying "alive"
(Reported by : many)
- One couldn`t display windows within the ScreenSelect window
if the Grabber module wasn`t installed.
(Reported by : Mats Eirik Hansen)
- Improved formatting of ToolAlias ListView
(Suggested by : Dave Dustin)
- Coordinate window of MoveSizer wasn`t cleared properly
(Reported by : Stefan Zeiger)
- Improved formatting for clock display and added option for
user defined page to only display REAL FAST mem, not
including virtual memory. For normal displays this will
always be done.
(Reported & Suggested by : Stefan Odendahl)
- Mouse acceleration didn`t work anymore when entering a
(Reported by : Stefan Zeiger)
- Thanks to Magnus Holmgren, and his code he gave me, I was
able to make the online help work correctly and
asynchronously, even with amigaguide.library V34
- Color gadgets of Analog Clock and Calendar didn`t always
draw itself correctly and didn`t survive a zoom-unzoom.
(Reported by : Stefan Zeiger)
- Some of the Installation script`s pages didn`t have any help
texts defined.
(Reported by : Stefan Zeiger)
- Exploding Windows` prefs didn`t display numbers larger than
(Reported by : Christian Spieth)
- If one selected only an assign (like "MP:" or such) for one
of ToolAlias` entries` components, the prefs program didn`t
display anything.
(Reported by : Matthias Scheler)
- Made WBGauge module run with ToolsDaemon
(Reported by : Too many to mention)
- Installer didn`t handle deinstallation correctly.
- For the Modules page there were too many modules to be
shown. Reduced number of modules to 18. Same for Blankers.
Now every modules/blanker should be available
- English and German texts for Preferences window were too
long, so the window could not fit on 640x200 screens
Version 1.1 (12.02.95 16:56:01)
- One couldn`t format a disk with a label containing spaces
- For RCS module: If you didn`t hit return within the String
Gadgets, but simply clicked on OK, the text entered wasn`t
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- Added stackhandling routine to ModulesManager, as
4096 bytes wasn`t enough. Now allocates it`s own stack.
(Reported by : John Murray)
- Double shortcuts in Spider Blanker
(Reported by : John Murray)
- Spliner Blanking abort-checking improved
- Improved Blanker corners. Normally when booting, the mouse
will be positioned in the upper left corner. If you selected
upper/left for the blank corner, MCX would immediately blank
Changed. MCX will now only check corners, after the mouse
was move the first time, after launching MCX.
- NOTE: When using datatypes on your system, it might take
long for a FileRequester (like AnalogClock-Pattern) to
display the contents of the directory, as a CallBack-Hook
checks every file whether it`s of the required type. Some
datatypes seem to need a long time to check a file.
- When using amigaguide.library < v39, MCX will open it`s
online help in SYNCHRONOUS mode now, as older versions of
this library seem to have a real bad bug. I tried this not
only with MCX, but with other applications, too.
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- When using "External module at random" for the blanker, one
couldn`t really test the module selected. Fixed
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- When trying to interrupt LineDawn blanker, while it was
clearing the screen, the Blanker locked up and didn`t return
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- Spider blanker didn`t look for mcxblanker.library in the
right places.
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- Improved PointerPatch, so that it would work with PPaint 6.0
(Reported by : Frank Mariak)
- Fixed serious bug, which didn`t allow loading of v1.0 prefs.
Also, this change fixes a problem with the buggy
TelephoneBill saving of MagicCX v1.0. Better use v1.1 ;)
(Reported by : Andreas Otter)
- gtlayout.library v7 caused problems with MCX. Therefore,
MCX will now always try to get gtlayout.library v8 or newer.
mcxgui.library is v9 of gtlayout.library, but this version
can`t have anyone, yet.
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- Increased maximum number of frames for Exploding Windows
to 128
(Requested by : Bernd Ernesti)
- You may now even configure, test, select an external
blanker module, when running in random mode.
(Requested by : Andreas Otte)
- When closing a window, by key and the mouseblanker was
active, MCX got confused and rejected to blank the mouse
(Reported by : Christoph Dietz)
- MCX won`t complain about 65535 open requesters anymore ;)
(Reported by : Frank Mariak)
- Fixed bug in WBGauge, which could cause a "Please insert..."
requesters and the a complete lockup. Fixed.
(Reported by : Frank Mariak, Nils Goers)
- Edit AreaCodes -> Fixed a bug, which kept the string gadget
active, even though no entry was selected
- There could be a problem when DisplayBeep()ing, while the
screen was blanked/dimmed. Fixed.
(Reported by : James Friesen)
- Some blankers` prefs modules didn`t work, if they were
forced to use their internal strings (standard english)
(Reported by : Andreas Harrenberg)
- Fixed bug with window reactivation which could lead to
deadlocks when opening/switching screens
(Reported by : Frank Mariak)
- Fixed bug in conjunction with SunMouse. If you pressed
the left mouse button over a screen (not a window), MCX
created enforcer hits.
(Reported by : Michael Barsoom)
- Improved ModulesManager: It will only warn, that changes
won`t take effect immediately, if MagicCX is really running
- Improved way for determining whether a window should
have a WBGauge attached or not
- You may now tell WBGauge to only show gauges for RAM:
(Requested by : Lars Eilebrecht)
- Improved WBGauge: For volumes using RAM:, the gauge will
now display the amount of free/occupied memory.
(Requested by : Lars Eilebrecht)
- One couldn`t use the middle button for MoveSizer
(Reported by : Lars Eilebrecht)
- Charactertable window expanded a bit; window will opened
underneith the mouse now.
(Requested by : Lars Eilebrecht)
- Blanker Prefs "Test" Gadget was available even for internal
(Reported by : Lars Eilebrecht)
- Some functions weren`t turned off, when you disabled
MCX from within Exchange or any similar tool
(Reported by : Lars Eilebrecht)
- Should`ve fixed problems with Window reactivation...
(Reported by : Lars Eilebrecht)
- MoveSizer`s Info window wasn`t centered over the visible
area of the screen, but over the center of the entire screen
(Reported by : Christian Scholz)
- Improved blanker edges in conjunction with PassWord
protection. MCX won`t check for blanker edges while
being in password mode, now.
(Suggested by : Christian Scholz)
- Fixed bug in Cycle2Menu: If a CycleGadget was created
in disabled state, only the arrow-image was drawn disabled
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Fixed problem with UnixDirs Module: One couldn`t access
files/dirs ending with "..". Fixed
(Reported by : Stefan Odendahl)
- Blanker edges now react only after a 5 second timeout. This
is just to make sure that the screen won`t be blanked every
time you touch the edges.
(Suggested by : Andreas Harrenberg)
- Password checking after blanking will be aborted, if no
input was made for ~2 minutes. MCX will then return to the
(Suggested by : Fionn Behrens)
- Installer Script now checks for a running MCX, before
exiting. It will issue a warning if an old version is
(Suggested by : Fionn Behrens)
- Spliner blanker always used one line less than specified
(Reported by : Fionn Behrens)
- Added screen-width relative mouse acceleration mode
(Requested by : Peter Meyer)
- Blanker didn`t care when one of the unblank devices
except for mouse/keyboard was used. It didn`t reset the
blanking timer.
(Reported by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- MoveSizer protected against DeadLocks using timeouts.
If you don`t move the mouse for a period longer than
5 seconds, all layers will be released, as this duration
might be an indication for an Intuition LockUp
- You may now specify, whether the char hit for unblanking
should be discarded, or not.
(Requested by : Kay-Uwe Drangmeister)
- Phone AreaCode editor somtimes messed up the entry
selection when cloning an entry.
(Reported by : Andreas Werth)
- Internal blanker didn`t seem to work on all GfxCards.
Sounds strange though, but ModeID locking should be
improved now.
(Reported by : Peter Meyer)
- Added Caution-Text to TagScreens page, so that users
don`t forget that setting the global tag is dangerous.
(Suggested by : Richard Herd)
- Added new window: A Charactertable window, from which
you may choose which character to send to the active window,
or to find out about the character code of a char
(Requested by : Wolfgang Loske)
for turning on/off screen/mouseblanking
(Requested by : Hakan Tandogan)
- Added new HotKey for turning mouse acceleration on/off
(Requested by : Andreas Mixich)
- New/Special AssignWedge module. The only difference
between the two existing modules is: The new one
utilizes reqtools.library requesters in order to allow
shortcuts for the gadgets.
- MagicCX is no longer restricted to a compact "Assign"
Base directory. You may now spread your files all around
your system
- MagicCX now uses gtlayout.library for window layout
(if present). This is to preserve memory. If gtlayout wasn`t
found in either TERM: or LIBS:, it will try to use it`s own,
cut-down version (mcxgui.library)
- Every window (except a few) is equiped with a Zoom gadget
- Env-Var MCXPRELOADGUI should be placed in ENV:MagicCX now
(Old method still supported though)
- Bug in RCS module: For COMPANY/AUTHOR. If the according
vars weren`t set, MCX wrote weird strings to the header.
(Reported by : Andreas Harrenberg)
- When using the UserShell`s Picker gadget, the arguments
of the specified command won`t be copied to the filereq
(Reported by : Ulrich Sibiller)
- ToolAlias page: Old name gadget has a picker gadget attached
(Requested by : Ulrich Sibiller)
- For showing PhoneLog: No newline was printed after pressing
a key.
(Reported by : Peter Schulz)
- You may set the label for formats now.
(Requested by : Francois Helsen)
- Bug in timerefresh fixed, which caused the title bar to be
trashed with stupid colors, while displaying the time in a
(Reported by : Michael Bauer)
- Increased max. number of timezones to 10
(Requested by : Francois Helsen)
- Secured log file deletion with a requester
(Requested by : Peter Meyer)
- MCx forgot about "Sunday" settings of a PhoneBill day entry
(Reported by : Peter Meyer)
- Introduced new qualifier for user definable clock page
'&O' will cause MagicCX not to display any connect
information, if no connect was found, ie. no information
will be inserted
(Requested by : Stefan Hirth)
- Formatter had problems formatting a drive DF2: without
a DF1: or in some similar situations
- You may alter the width/height settings of a TagScreens
entry seperately now
(Requested by : Ulrich Sibiller)
- Added default TimeZone settings. This way you may have
a timezone, which should be used if no areacodes matched
(Requested by : Bjoern Koch)
- Fixed problem with clock: The clock will only follow to
screens it can fit on.
- Follow mode of clock improved.
- New mode for following of clock to screens: You may now
tell MagicCX to only follow to Public Screens
(Requested by : Martin Steigerwald)
- For Cycle2Menu: GadgetLike colors weren`t selected correctly
for a 2 color screen. This way you only had black text on
a black bar or something like that.
- For AA machines: Mouse blanker tries to keep the mouse
pointers resolution, in order not to disturb other sprites
on the screen
(Suggested by : Martin Steigerwald)
- For window/screen cycling (mouse/keyboard):
Setting of Capslock will be ignored now.
(Requested by : Nils Goers)
- New range for ScreenTime blanker timeout, ranging from
30 to 1800 (30 minutes) seconds. I guess this will suffice,
and make the slider gadget more adjustable
- New options added: You may now have the middle and right
buttons activate the window the mouse is over.
- Increased maximum mouse acceleration
- Settings of Screens/Windows option in ScreenSelect window
will be stored to prefs now
- Added new switch to RCS window. For the first revision, you
may now determine whether to create/not create the
macros in the first place.
(Requested by : Michael 'Ghandi' Herold)
- Improved method of window reactivation. Thanks to
Matthias 'Tron' Scheler for supplying the code
- If no prefs were found, MagicCX will now even clone the
WB`s screen size and depth for the blankers
- Screens will be undimmed before calling DisplayBeep().
Otherwise screen colors wouldn`t have been reset correctly
- Undimming of Screens has been improved. MCx should no
longer try to undim a non-existant screen anymore
- Fixed problem with memory loss when using HotKeys
- Improved PhoneBill module. Should be more secure now
- Improved PhoneBill module. Should be more secure now
- Added new BUMPREV feature for RCS module. You may
now increase the Revision numbers without having to enter
that window
- Improved MagicCX`s "Block window activation when
Requester is open". Now Requesters created using
BuildSysRequest() or BuildEasyRequestArgs() will block
window activation as well
- PhoneBill`s date exceptions didn`t work as expected.
- For user defines clock page: Mouse coords will be drawn only
if requested -> Show mouse
(Requested by : Per Espen Hagen)
- If the window you`d like to bring to back using Mouse
cycling, is the only one on the screen, the screen will be
brought to back, now
- Cycle2Menu`s NewLook menus, weren`t real 3.x style menus.
The pens weren`t selected correctly.
(Reported by : Per Espen Hagen)
- Undimming could easily crash if one of the dimmed screens
was closed before undimming occured
- ScreenModes for Blankers will be set globally now, ie. the
ModeID Gadget is awailable all the time
- For people not having any prefs, the default ScreenMode
for Blankers will be set to that of WB
- Prefs program didn`t show correct settings for key cycling
(Reported by : Stefan Odendahl)
- Clock won`t follow to screens which actually don`t show
their titles. (Like viewers etc.pp.)
(Requested by : various)
- Problems with KeyClick in conjuction with DASMP should be
fixed. Checked with DASMP 3.4
- Fixed problems with user defined key click
- AmigaGuide Online help is asynchronous and contextsensitive
(Requested by : various)
- Added virtual memory display support
(Requested by : Jens Boenisch)
- Redone mouse cycling. You needed two clicks to cycle WB
windows. This was in order to cancel WB operations. Changed
(Requested by : Jens Boenisch)
- Cycle2Menu Gadgets won`t be freed anymore, if the window
is to be closed. Well, I thought this is just to prevent
memory loss, but I didn`t take into consideration, that
people might reuse Gadgets, once created.
(Reported by : Ralph Schmidt)
- Added Blank/No Blank corners to Screen Blanker
- German locale of Prefs program allowed setting of
"Joy + Disk" twice, for "Unblank when"
- Improved device monitoring
- The "No Blank with carrier" option will turn off Screen
Blanker if a connection has been established
- German strings of AssignWedge Requester were to long
for ARQ to be displayed.
- Improved ToolAlias. ToolAlias is smarter now and the
interception mechanism has been improved. Furthermore
you may now even select whether an unknown tool
should be replaced by using a Requester
- Fixed potential crash-bug with Alarm and no requester text
(Reported by : Tom Beuke)
- Improved Puzzle blanker
- Added Blanker reselection for random playing. This way
you may have a new blanker selected after a specified period
of time
- Problems with playing an 8SVX sound under V39 should be
fixed now (afaik). It worked for me, but Per reported
problems. Well, should be fixed now
(Reported by : Per-Espen Hagen)
- ScreenCentering didn`t center correctly
(Reported by : Per-Espen Hagen, Eckhard Ludwig)
- TagScreens module now even knows about two special
Picasso settings. Planar mode and Refresh Rates.
(Requested by : Frederic Steinfels, Frank Mariak)
- New mode for Cycle2Menu: You may now have the screen`s
font for the PopUpMenus if the Gadget`s font is topaz.
(Requested by : Per-Espen Hagen)
- Added new mode for TagScreens: The module may now
intercept special ScreenModes and then ask the user what to
do. Change it this time, always, never change or use global.
Just the way like ChangeScreen from Picasso SoftWare
(Requested by : Frederic Steinfels)
- In Cycle2Menus PopUp mode, entries will be deselected,
if you move the mouse outside of the menu`s bounds.
(Suggested by : Per-Espen Hagen)
- Cycle2Menu gadgets sometimes didn`t react on normal
cycle actions.
(Reported by : Dirk Federlein)
- When trying to access an assign from within a shell, without
running a program like "dsfsd:", the Shell creates a process
with only a minimum stack. This is far too less for an ASL
FileRequester. An own stack is used now to fix those crashes
(Reported by : Klaus 'kmel' Melchior, Stefan Gybas)
- Prefs program didn`t allow setting of F10
(Reported by : Stefan Gybas)
- Added security mode for Blankers
- Installer Script now checks for the presence of a module/
blanker in one of the storage directories. If so, it will be
installed to storage rather than the normal place
(Requested by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
- Added PointerPatch module
(Requested by : Renze de Ruiter)
- A Blanker bug should be fixed now
(Reported by : Gerri Koerner)
- Under V39 the MoveSizer`s pointers will be set using V39
functions now.
(Requested by : Martin Steigerwald)
- MagicCX`s KeyClick had a problem with audio channel
allocations which could`ve lead to problems in conjunction
with audio software like Players etc.pp. Should be fixed now
(Reported by : Martin 'XEN' Huttenloher and Till Toenges)
- Added Dragon Blanker
- Behaviour of HuntWindows` BringToFront option changed.
The new active window will be brought to front, no matter
if the screen was moved or not.
- Mouse blanker had some bugs. Should be fixed now
(Reported by : various)
- From now on, AmigaGuide library will only be opened when
- MoveSizer may now display coordinates now.
(Requested by : Joerg Wand)
- New option for MoveSizer: You may now disable the moving
of nondraggable windows
- LineDawn blanker will set the screen`s colors to black after
motion in order to completely blank the screen.
- The RCS` EditHook didn`t copy the String`s contents when
selecting cursor up/down. Fixed
(Reported by : Mike Barsoom)
- You may now enable/disable device monitoring for PhoneBill
on a by-device-basis, i.e. you may temporarily disable
PhoneBill logging of a device.
(Requested by : Christian Ruf)
- TagScreens` BlackBorder didn`t work for all screenmodes
(Reported by : Various)
- Key-Window activation didn`t work for AMIGA keys
(Reported by : Fionn Behrens)
- You may now select whether to create an .info file for
grabbed screens/windows
(Requested by : Oliver Rummeyer)
- MagicCX: assign wasn`t set up correctly by Installer Script
(Reported by : Oliver Rimmeyer)
- Huntwindows sometimes mispositioned screens
(Reported by : Oliver Rummeyer)
- Added new MMBShift mode. You may now have the MMB act
as if you hit the left button, too, so that you only have to
select MMB in order to multidrag on your WB.
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Improved handling of external blankers: The Text Gadget
with the name of the external blanker was replaced by a
ListView containing all available Blankers.
(Suggested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Sizing of nonsizeable windows by the MoveSize is switchable,
(Requested by : Magnus Holmgren)
- MoveSizer modules didn`t handle RIGHTBUTTON cancel events
(Reported by : Magnus Holmgren)
- Added Maze blanker
- RCS2HST CED-Scripts weren`t able to deal with devicenames
including spaces.
(Reported by: Jens Boenisch)
- The icons for ModulesManager and RCS2HST had their
Stack entries set to 0! This really could`ve caused problems
- Stars Blanker didn`t work with Screens not supporting
8 Planes ;)))
- Added Goats blanker
- Added Executor blanker
- Added Text blanker module
- Added clock blanker module
- Added Test gadget to Blanker window, in order to test
blankers which don`t supply a config window
- Added Spliner blanker module
- Enabled Test gadget for all blanker modules
- Added ASwarm blanker module
- Select Entry ListView didn`t show selected entry on openup
- Added flying Toasters Blanker module
- Normally, if an external Blanker module fails, MCX would
fall back to std. blanking. This was done, but you couldn`t
unblank the screen.
(Reported by: Frank Mariak)
- The Installer Script`s deinstallation routine, always showed
"...installed..." after *DEINSTALLATION* ;) Removed
- Improved height calculation for Cycle2Menu menus
- You may now set the spacing for Cycle2Menu menus
(Requested by: Michael Mutschler)
- Added new ToolType for Server program. You may now issue
the path/name of the Prefs program, so that you may place it
in a different location and the Server program still finds
(Requested by: Michael Barsoom)
- FKeys module may launch programs now
(Requested by: Steve Bradley)
- ModulesManager: If you clicked on an entry`s CheckBox
in Double-Click time, ModulesManager didn`t react
(Reported by: Dave Dustin)
- English Shortcuts for Alarm windows had a bug
- Alarms will be handeled asynchronously now
- When typing on your keyboard, the mouse blanker timer
was reset, so that the mouse would`ve onle been blanked, if
you didn`t do anything. Fixed.
(Reported by : Robert Blayzor)
- MenuWrap didn`t work under OS 2.x
- Split up MenuWrap: New options Mouse2Menu and MenuWrap for
better control
(Requested by : Michael Barsoom)
- Added ToolType for Prefs program to set the default
path/name for the Docs file, so that you may place it on a
different location
- Added ToolType for Prefs program to set the maximum height
of the ListView gadget and thus setting the max. height of
the window.
(Requested by : Michael Barsoom)
- MoveSizer may now even drag around windows, without
DragBar. This is for windows with a fake draggadget
(ie ToolManager windows without border etc.pp)
- MagicCX`s titlebar clock caused lockups when changing
the WB`s screenmode and not "Follow to screen" option
was enabled.
(Reported by : Frank 'Wavebreaker' Mariak)
- Added special qualifier for FKeys strings. You may now
issue a delay so that parts of the string will be printed,
MCX waits x seconds, then prints the remaining string or
waits again etc.pp.
(Requested by : Alfred Fent)
- MCX allowed calling an external blanker more than once.
This could have led to crashes
- ScreenSelect and Formatter windows are opened
asynchronously, now
- Fixed bug in CleanUp routine which could make MCX
beleive someone else has patched it`s vectors
- In sticky mode, Cycle2Menu Menus, which were placed
out of the gadget`s window, didn`t react on items selected.
- The Prefs` Listview display was trashed if MCX was forced
to scroll around when you changed the editor page. This has
been fixed, but the contents of the Listview will be cleared
if you change the page. This causes flicker, but the lines
are displayed correctly
- Edit TagScreens window is equipped with Ok/Cancel gadgets,
- When selecting a new ModeID for a TagScreens Entry, the
mode`s default dimensions will be copied to the width/height
gadgets now
- RCS2HST always returned Error code 20 even on success
- Added NewEdit like NewString module
- Formatter Module won`t complain about a MSDOS disk
inserted into one of the monitored devices, anymore. This
only works if you`re using CrossDos with PC?: device names.
- Mouse Cycling only worked if the mouse wasn`t move.
(Reported by : Alfred Fent)
- Added WBGauge module
(Requested by : Robert Blayzor)
- Improved window positioning of AnalogClock and Calendar, if
windows were positioned out of range
- New option for Screen Select menu: You may now have only
screens displayed, too, no more windows in submenus
(Requested by : McBoe@IRC)
- Better EditHook for RCS` window. You may now flip through
String Gadgets using Cursor Up/Down
- Now using new version of Olaf`s layout engine
- SAS/C optimizer bug-optimized UnixDirs Module. Sorry
(Bug reported by : Frank Mariak)
- Improved centering of Prefs windows over Prefs` main
window. The old method could have caused stranged
results even busy loops
- When closing the time window by pressing the Close Gadget,
MagicCX acted strange. It didn`t return to TitleBar display,
nor did it reset the Prefs programs gadget
(Reported by : Dirk Federlein)
- Layout of RCS2HST has been improved
- Fixed potential bug in SaveRoutine which could cause
crashes on `040 systems due to caching
- If the RCS`s RevisionHeader`s last line was the file`s last
line, MCX copied that line twice
- Mousepointers of MoveSizer module were styled a bit.
- Mousepointers of MoveSizer module will no longer
flip around when you click in a window
(Requested&Suggested by : Fionn Behrens)
- Fixed some grammatical bugs in Installer Script
(Reported by : Dirk Federlein)
- Fixed some bugs in german locale
(Reported by : Dirk Federlein)
Version 1.0 (17.08.94 17:32:15)
--- Initial release ---